The Manner of Performing Prayers
This prayer guide is a step by step guide to learning how to pray. Prayer is called Salah in Arabic. You may hear it called Namaz if you
come across Muslims from Turkey or the Indian subcontinent but the
proper name is Salah
The prayer guides in this section are for Advanced level students.
If you are at the beginner or intermediate stage please start of the prayer guides on this following link Beginners prayer guides
Preparation for prayer
Before starting the prayer, a person must perform Wudhu (ablution).
However if a person has had a wet dream or sex then they should perform Ghusl instead of whudhu.
Ghusl should also be performed at the end of a women period of menstruation has ended and at the end of 40 days after childbirth (unless the bleeding stops before completing the 40 days period, then she must make the Ghusl as soon as the bleeding stops).
What If you cannot make Ghusl?
Prayer timings vary throughout the globe and slight variations from day to day due to changes in daylight hours.
There are five obligatory prayers which are performed at five different times of the day.
1 FAJR PRAYER (The Morning Prayer)
It is the first of the five obligatory prayers of the day. It starts at dawn
and ends at sunrise. Thus it can be prayed between these points.
But it is best to pray at the beginning of its time (i.e. just
after start of dawn)
2 DHUHR PRAYER .(The Early Afternoon Prayer
It starts when the sun begins to decline from its zenith and ends when the the size of an object's shadow is equal to the objects size.
3 ASR PRAYER (The Late Prayer )
It starts when an object's shadow is equal to the objects size and ends when just before sunset.
It is better to pray Asr before the sky becomes
yellow (even though it is allowed to pray at such a time) because the
Prophet ( peace be upon him) disliked Muslims praying at such as
time and. He remarked that the the Munafiq (Hypocrite ) offers his
pray at this time.
4 MAGHRIB PRAYER (The Sunset Prayer ) .
Its time begins just after sunset and ends when twilight has
just disappeared
5 ISHA PRAYER (The Night Prayer )
It starts when twilight has disappeared and ends
before midnight
Each prayer consists of a number
of Units called rakah's.
The Fajr Prayer consists of 2
The Dhuhr , Asr and Isha prayers consist of 4 rakahs each
The Maghrib prayer consist of 3 rakahs.
Stage 3 (final stage)
This is the final and complete stage on how to perform the 5 daily Prayers.
How to perform the prayer (Advanced level Guide)
- 1 Morning (Fajr) Prayer
- 2 Noon (Dhuhr) Prayer
- 3 Afternoon (Asr) Prayer
- 4 Evening (Maghrib) Prayer
- 5 Night (Isha) Prayer
The following Prayer Animation with sound will Allah willing aid also you in learning how to pray.
1. If you are a beginner who needs to learn the basic steps of Prayer in
Islam ( with sound )
2. If you want to learn prayers from A to Z including Sunnah actions (with sound )
More Material on Prayer
Sunnah Prayers. The
number of Sunnah Rakkahs in each prayer
How a Disabled Muslim performs the prayer
Other prayers:
How to oray Funeral (Janaza) Prayer
33 Ways of developing Khushoo in Salaah
The means of developing Khushoo'
Knowing the advantages of Khushoo' in Salaah
Warding off distractions and things that adversely affect khushoo
When a person suffers a great deal of waswaas
Waswaas (insinuating thoughts from Shaytaan)
What if something happens during prayer?
Call of nature when the iqaamah is given
If adhaan for fajr is given whilst one is praying witr
Missed asr and reaches masjid after maghrib prayer has started
Traveller joining congregation without knowing if imam is also a traveller
Being unable to stand for the rest of the prayer
A knock on the door when one is praying, or a mother seeing her child do something dangerous
Responding to salaam when praying
Not hastening unduly to join a prayer in progress
Breaking wind during Friday prayer
When one has already prayed and comes to another mosque to find the people there praying
Still praying sunnah when the iqaamah is given
Being informed of the correct direction of the qiblah whilst praying
Falling behind when praying in congregation
When the imam nullifies his wudoo
When the imam's awrah becomes uncovered
When the imam forgets the ending of an aayah
Intending to pray for rain, then it rains before the people start the prayer
Feeling sleepy when listening to Friday sermon
Rulings about forgetfulness during prayer
Doubt about number of rakahs prayed
Imam remembers that he forgot to recite al-Faatihah during a silent rak�ah
Raising one's head from rukoo, then realizing that one forgot to say the tasbeeh
Forgetting the first tashahhud
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